
Autor: Guzmán Esquivel José


The penis is the male sexual organ which enables fertilization to take place in the female through penetration and ejaculation and it is also the organ acting as the duct through which urine is passed out of the body. Socio-cultural and communication circumstances have played a role in the important increase in medical consultations with specialists in pediatrics, endocrinology and urology in relation to micropenis or “small penis”. Penis evaluation is and should be carried out when there are abnormalities in a child’s genitals or when there is doubt about normal penis size. As a clinical and objective manifestation, micropenis is defined as a normal penis in form and function, but with a length that is 2.5 cm SD smaller than the normal size mean and that is not associated with genital ambiguities.

Palabras clave: Penis micropenis micropenis abnoramlities.

2008-06-25   |   2,383 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 68 Núm.1. Enero-Febrero 2008 Pags. 1-2 Rev Mex Urol 2008; 68(1)