Autores: Clavijo Rodríguez Diana, Bernal Valencia Marcilo, Silva John Freddy
This paper is about artificial intelligence in Medicine. Here, it tries to describe all the technologies’ implications in this area. It is really important to realize the changes that the world is suffering with the computational evolution, more, if it is talking about healthcare. Soon, people will count with a lot of artificial intelligence applications in medicine which could help everyone to develop troubles easier and faster than long time ago. More than that, human must be willing to accept this new technology in their lives.
Palabras clave: enfermedad coronaria isquemia inteligencia artificial
2007-04-02 | 1,181 visitas | Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones
Vol. 6 Núm.12. Junio 2006 Pags. 56-64 Arch Med Manizales 2006; 6(12)