Dear Doctor Periago: I am directed by Marilene Melo, President of the World Association of Societies of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (WASPaLM), to inform you that Dr. Arturo Terres from Mexico will be the official WASPaLM representative to the Pan American Health Organization. Dr. Terres address is: Dr. Arturo M Terres Speziale Laboratorio Médico Polanco. Álvaro Obregón 121-5o PISO Colonia Roma 06700 México DF. México
2005-04-01 | 1,170 visitas | Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones
Vol. 52 Núm.1. Enero-Marzo 2005 Pags. Rev Mex Patol Clin 2005; 52(1)