II. Universal leucodepletion:

Cost/Benefit Analysis 

Autor: Contreras Marcela


Further to a Consensus Conference in Edinburgh, the UK published guidelines with indications for leucodepletion (LD) in 1998. These were: • For intrauterine transfusions and for neonates andinfants up to one year of age. • Severe aplastic anaemia, to reduce allograft failure. • When CMV-safe components are indicated. • To manage/prevent febrile non-haemolytic transfusion reactions (FNHTR) for long-term red cell transfusion-dependent patients (e.g. thalassaemics) or where the use of buffy code depleted components does not work.

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Vol. 140 Núm.3. Septiembre-Octubre 2004 Pags. 41 Gac Méd Méx 2004; 140(Supl. 3)