V. The reorganization of the english national blood service into a truly national service

Autor: Contreras Marcela


In England, hospitals have not been responsible for the collection, processing or screening of the blood supply. They have always relied on the Blood Transfusión Service for supply and safety. Since its creation in 1946 and until 1 April 1994, the English National Blood Transfusión Service consisted of 14 Regional Transfusión Centers (RTCs) and one satellite center, managed independently by 14 Regional Health Authorities. The National Blood Authority (NBA) was established to oversee and control the collection and supply of blood and blood products in England. As of Summer 1993, the NBA was directly responsible for the running of the Bio Products Laboratory (BPL), a plasma fractionation facility with about 500 staff and processing 450-500 tons of plasma; and the International Blood Group Reference Laboratory (IBGRL) with about 20 people. As of 1 April 1994, the NBA assumed direct responsibility for the management of the 14 RTCs, which, employed approximately 4,000 staff and collected 2.2 million units of blood to supply nearly 400 hospitals with blood products and Transfusión Medicine services such as Immunohematology reference, histocompatibilty and immunogenetics etc.

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2004-11-17   |   2,000 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 140 Núm.3. Septiembre-Octubre 2004 Pags. 23-24 Gac Méd Méx 2004; 140(Supl. 3)