
Introduction Recently, conservation biologists alarm about mass extinction of biodiversity caused by human influences (GOOD & RODRÍGUEZ, 2009). However, preserved territories still protect habitats, species and genotypes. Among them is Bulgarka Nature Park, located on the ridges and northern slopes of Shipka and Trevnenska mountains and partly of the adjacent Pre-Balkan region (Bulgaria) with total area 21 772.2 hа. The territory includes the Yantra River springs and its main tributaries in the upper reaches. The park covers settlements located within the municipalities of Gabrovo, Tryavna and Muglizh. Hristo Smirnenski dam also belongs to the territory of the park.

Palabras clave: Bulgarka Nature Park bryophytes conservation status threats.

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Vol. 8 Núm.1. Enero-Junio 2016 Pags. 57-64 Ecologia Balkanica 2016; 8(1)