Autores: Martínez Bustamante Daniel, Pérez Cárdenas Samuel, Arteaga Treviño Mauricio, Martínez Ponce de León Ángel Raymundo
Brain abscesses can cause an incapacitating neurological deficit in up to 50% of patients, thus the reduction of these sequelae becomes the main goal of its timely and specific surgical and medical treatment. With technological advances in bacteriological identification and diagnostic imaging, the clinical suspicion can be confirmed, and the specific etiological agent can be identified in a larger number of cases. New pathogens have emerged through this process, such as Streptococcus porcinus, in which the ability to affect the central nervous system has not been documented. A clinical case is presented of a brain abscess in an immunocompetent patient, and its favorable response to surgical drainage through a skull burr hole and needle aspiration with antibiotic therapy (ceftriaxone, metronidazole and vancomycin) is discussed.
Palabras clave: Brain abscess; Streptococcus; emerging infectious disease.
2015-01-27 | 2,214 visitas | Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones
Vol. 16 Núm.65. Octubre-Diciembre 2014 Pags. 177-180 Med Univer 2014; 16(65)